Different Types of Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the most essentials oils in the world. It is derived from the olive from the Olea Europaea tree. It is found in Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean basin. It can grow up to a length of 49 feet tall, with a twisted trunk. They bloom with small white flowers and have silvery-green leaves of oblong shaped with an extensive root system.

Olive oil is extracted by pressing olives. It is widely used across the world. There are many grades of olive oil: pure, virgin, extra virgin, lite, and pomace. Due to different processing, colors may differ. The color ranges from dark green to yellowish red. High-quality Olive oil has a darker greenish color and is found in the extra virgin type. If extra virgin olive oil is yellowish then it means that it was probably made from low-quality olives. You can buy Olive Oil from Lucca Italy as they are among the best type of olive oils.

Different Types of Olive Oil

Virgin olive oil does not undergo any chemical treatments, Refined ones are chemically treated and Pomace is extracted by heat and solvents.

Extra Virgin Oil- It is the least processed, derived from the pressing of high-quality olives and contains high amounts of vitamins and nutrients. It is of superior taste with no additives.

Virgin Olive Oil- It is produced by the processing of the once processed olives. Its acidity level is below 2 % and has a good taste with a more intense taste. Used for cooking, salads, and dressings.

Pure Olive Oil- It is a blend of virgin olive oil and refined olive oil. It contains a small percentage of vitamin E with an acidity level below 2 % and has lesser nutrients. It is suitable for cooking only.

Lite Olive Oil- It contains only a small percentage of virgin oils and is of inferior quality. Oils are light in taste. The fat and calorie content is the same as other olive oils.

Pomace Olive Oil- Lowest grade of olive oils. It is produced by leftover oil in the olive’s pomace. It is made by blending with different amounts of virgin oil to make it suitable for consumers. It can only be used for cooking.

Health Benefits of Olive Oil- It lowers the risk of heart disease. It lowers LDL and promotes HDL. It contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps in the prevention of cancer. Olive oil does not clog arteries like most of the oil do. According to some studies, it has been shown that this olive is gentle on the digestive tract and stomach. It contains a high amount of iron and is free from bad cholesterol. It is rich in vitamins K, A, B, C, D, and E.

Hair Care Benefits of Olive Oil– It is used in homemade and commercial shampoo. It tames dry, dull or frizzy hair and also adds shine to the hair.

Other Uses of Olive Oils- It helps reduce snoring and helps in earaches, lubricates scratchy throat, prevents corrosion and lubricates noisy door hinges.

If you have decided to buy olive oil then you should check on the internet and search for the best olive oil from Lucca Italy.