Benefits of owning a Freestanding glass whiteboard.

A freestanding glass whiteboard is a wonderful way to save space in your office. It’s perfect for use on desks, tables, countertops, and other flat surfaces. The glass surface provides the smooth writing surface you need to present your thoughts and ideas clearly. It’s also great for collaboration, using both dry erase markers and dry erase crayons to leave notes and messages.

Here are some of the reasons why having a whiteboard is important in your office.

Save money by reducing paper usage.

With a whiteboard, you’ll cut down on the amount of paper you use on the job, which results in fewer expenses. By writing down your thoughts and ideas on an erasable board, you’ll also reuse your notes instead of throwing them away after each use. This also means less clutter in your office.

Sharing information.

If you have a whiteboard to use as a collaborative tool, you can all build on a single message instead of sending out emails or printing out pages from other people’s files. This means everybody will get all the same information at once, and it also allows for open discussion on ideas and concepts.

Improve workplace safety.

Because you can write down your safety policies and keep them for everyone to see, it will be easy for new employees to learn how to work safely in your office, resulting in fewer accidents and injuries. Posting emergency procedures on a board also ensures that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. You can even use a dry erase board as a checklist for things like regular maintenance requirements so you always stay on top of your routine checkups.

Improve employee happiness.

Using a whiteboard as a motivator in your office not only helps your staff work better and more efficiently, it also helps them feel more engaged in their jobs. For example, you can use a whiteboard to post monthly sales goals and business targets so that your employees can see how they’re progressing toward those goals. You can also post motivational quotes on the board to help keep everyone’s spirits up while they work.

Reduce workplace interruptions.

Using a whiteboard to keep all your important work notes, details, and ideas in one place can also be a great way to keep the workplace quiet so that you can get your work done without interruption. When everybody has their own whiteboard, they will only be able to see what has been posted by themselves.

Improve employee learning.

Encouraging your employees to use a whiteboard as a brainstorming tool will help them learn more about their jobs and new skills that they need in order to succeed. Not only that, but you will all be able to see what everyone is working on and be sure that everything is running smoothly in your office.

Provide quick reference guides and checklists.

For example, you can post a checklist in one place so that everyone can use it for regular tasks and maintenance requirements. You can also post quick reference guides for common features or features that have been added recently to your office.


Whiteboards help your employees work better and more efficiently, allowing them to complete tasks and assignments in a timely manner. They also help you keep your office organized so that everyone can work together on the same projects. With an erasable whiteboard from Office Depot, you can save time and money by using the board to improve workplace safety and efficiency in your office.